IQ Weather Lessons 1 thru 4



The terms “weather” and “climate” are often used interchangeably. But, there is a big difference, and it’s common to be confused over which is which. Understanding the meaning of each term will help you determine whether the storm outside your window is something that is part of a cycle that will change soon…or something that indicates long term change.

  • Why do people need to know the weather?
  • Why do people need to understand the climate?
  • Do you think the climate will keep changing?

Teacher Guide: Climate Versus Weather
Lesson Resources: Climate Versus Weather

Lesson 1 Quiz: Weather Versus Climate

1 / 10

1. Weather changes happen:

2 / 10

2. Weather patterns in our atmosphere behave much like

3 / 10

3. Which of these things would not be considered a type of weather?

4 / 10

4. About how long have climatologists kept global climate records?

5 / 10

5. The climate today is the same as it was thousands of years ago?

6 / 10

6. In the past, the earth has been:

7 / 10

7. The climate is affected by the seasons of the year:

8 / 10

8. At the end of the last ice age, sea levels rose nearly:

9 / 10

9. Which of these things change over time:

10 / 10

10. Our solar system moves though different parts of the galaxy and this affects our climate.

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Quiz Answers: Climate Versus Weather


The Atmosphere and The Weather Machine

We live on a very complicated planet.  There are 5 layers of the atmosphere…each with distinctly different tasks in helping to make the planet livable!  This lesson focuses on the complexity of the atmosphere overhead, and some of the interesting things you may not know about the air surrounding our home planet!

  • How far up into the air do you think that the atmosphere extends?

  • Why do you think that the weather we have on earth is different from that of other planets?

  • Is the temperature that you feel here on the ground the same all the way up through the atmosphere?

Teacher Guide: The Weather Machine
Lesson Resources: The Weather Machine

Lesson 2 Quiz: The Atmosphere and the Weather Machine

1 / 10

1. In what layer of the atmosphere does weather occur?

2 / 10

2. What is the exchange of water between the air and the earth’s surface called?

3 / 10

3. How much of the Earth's atmosphere does water vapor occupy?

4 / 10

4. What role do hurricanes play in keeping the earth’s temperature balanced?

5 / 10

5. What does the ozone in the stratosphere do?

6 / 10

6. What is the coldest layer of the atmosphere?

7 / 10

7. What is the hottest layer of the atmosphere

8 / 10

8. What is the outer layer of the earth's atmosphere?

9 / 10

9. Approximately how thick is the earth's atmosphere?

10 / 10

10. What is the temperature in outer space?

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Quiz Answers: The Weather Machine


Why Study Weather

It’s smart to study and understand the weather…mainly because it affects everyone and everything we do! We study weather so that we have a little more control over our lives. Man has been studying weather  for thousands of years…but there is still more to learn!

  • Is weather something you pay attention to?

  • How do YOU keep track of the weather?

  • Where do you find your weather information?

Teacher Guide: Why Study Weather
Lesson Resources: Why Study Weather

Lesson 3 Quiz: Why Study Weather

1 / 10

1. The study of weather is called:

2 / 10

2. The main reason to study weather is to:

3 / 10

3. An example of a hydrometeor is:

4 / 10

4. An example of a lithometeor is:

5 / 10

5. An example of an electrometeor is:

6 / 10

6. An example of a photometeor is:

7 / 10

7. Keeping track of past weather helps to:

8 / 10

8. Certain weather patterns are more likely to produce tornadoes than others

9 / 10

9. Which activity is NOT affected by weather

10 / 10

10. Who said: "Some people are weatherwise...most are otherwise"?

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Quiz Answers: Why Study Weather

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Go To Lesson #4: Air and Wind